Monday, July 11, 2011


I was at lacrosse camp today. Well to be in a sport you need trust and much more...


  1. Glad to hear you are staying active this summer. Hope your lacrosse skills improve at camp.

  2. Having fun and being active are two of the most important things you can learn to do.

    Blogging about about it and sharing with others might be just as important.

    Keep it going!


  3. Hi Wyatt,

    I am new to blogging too. Its fun to tell others about what you do. Keep up the good work.


  4. Glad you are having fun! I've heard lacrosse isn't easy - enjoy!

  5. That's do need trust. I think being active in sports makes people much more cooperative (even though sports is typically competitive...) because you have to learn to be part of something bigger than yourself... What do you think??

  6. Cool, Wyatt. So how did you pick lacrosse camp? Did you have other alternatives?

  7. I have never played lacrosse before but hear it's very challenging! What do you like best about it? Good luck at camp!


  8. Have fun! I hope my son joins you in blogging soon. :)

  9. I'm not familiar with this sport – maybe we don't have it in Switzerland? Care to explain to me how it works?

    To tell the truth, when I saw the pic, I didn't think sport, but pirate :-)
    But trust and pirates hardly fit together, do they?

    Have fun

  10. Sports are great fun and can teach you a lot about working together with others, but don't forget to do that summer reading! It would be awesome if you also wrote a blog post of what you thought about one of your summer reading books.

  11. Being in a sport like this is tough! But it will give you skills you will need later in life- it will teach you how to be a real person with people skills!

  12. Besides trust, what else do you think is important to have if you are going to be successful at a sport? Keep blogging!

  13. Trust takes time and practice. The better you get at a sport, the more your teammates can trust you won't drop the ball.

    Good luck with lacrosse camp and your new blog Wyatt!

  14. I don't know much about lacrosse but it seems like it would take a lot of practice to play well.

  15. I never got a chance to do a sports camp. It sounds awesome. Hang onto that idea about trust - you have no idea how important it is and will be.


  16. Thanks alot! I can't believe that so many people from all over this planet are reading my own blog.

    Lacrosse is a hard sport, but I'm getting better. I'm a good defender. Well, you should score goals, but some players just help out their teammates.

    You can learn more about LAX here My dad and I go to quite often too.

    See ya later.

  17. Hi Wyatt. It's great to hear that you have your own blog. You might be interested in Connor's blog, too. Keep writing!

  18. Hi, Wyatt.

    When I first started blogging (not that long ago)I too was amazed at the distribution of visitors. Keep it up! You never know who will pop up next.

    Michael A. Rees

  19. Wyatt, I agree that trust is a big part of sports and even more important a big part of life! I hope you enjoy your time playing lacrosse this summer.

  20. Hi Wyatt - trust is huge when working on a team. I hope you enjoy camp and that you learn a lot while having fun too!
